Who are the People in the Picture -- PDG Dec. 1996

Particle Data Group Home Page


Particle Data Group -- December 1996

A picture goes here

1. Nils Törnqvist (Helsinki) 2. Slava Lugovsky (IHEP, Protvino)
3. Michael Barnett (LBNL) 4. Paul Gee (LBNL)
5. Pat Burchat (Stanford) 6. Vladimir Ezhela (IHEP, Protvino)
7. Atul Gurtu (Tata Inst.) 8. Kenzo Nakamura (ICRR, Tokyo)
9. Betty Armstrong (LBNL) 10. Gail Harper (LBNL)
11. Maury Goodman (Argonne) 12. Pat Kreitz (SLAC)
13. Don Groom (LBNL) 14. Vasilij Bunakov (IHEP, Protvino)
15. Simon Eidelman (INP, Novosibirsk) 16. Petr Vogel (Cal Tech)
17. Ken-ichi Hikasa (Tohoku Univ.) 18. Yoshio Oyanagi (Univ. of Tokyo)
19. Aneesh Manohar (UC San Diego) 20. Tom Trippe (LBNL)
21. Michelangelo Mangano (CERN) 22. Keith Olive (Univ. of Minnesota)
23. Charles Wohl (LBNL) 24. Matts Roos (Helsinki)
25. Carlo Caso (Univ. of Genova) 26. Fred James (CERN)
27. Christoph Grab (ETH, Zürich) 28. Andreas Piepke (Cal Tech)

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