Particle Physics Education Sites

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icon Particle Physics Education and Information sites:



  • The ALEPH experiment - a particle detector studying the decays of the Z boson at LEP (CERN)
  • The OPAL experiment - also studying Z boson decay at LEP (CERN): Detector, Events
  • The ATLAS and CMS Experiments at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN.
  • and CDF Physics Summaries - "plain English" summaries of results and publications.
  • OnScreen Particle Physics - particle-chamber simulation software for use in the classroom (Mac & Windows 95/NT).
  • Event Simulator - a Java applet that simulates the decay of a Z boson under perameters that you specify.
  • The Neutrino Mass Toy - a Java applet which allows you to experiment with neutrino mass matrices and mixing scenarios.
  • SciTech hands on science center - check out their Quark Machine and Gluon Machine to learn more about these particles and build your own.
Resources: Classroom Activities:
  • Particle Physics Activities - a set of seven, each with a worksheet and description and teacher info.
  • Top Quark Activity Introduction - an exercise showing you how to use conservation of momentum and energy to calculate the mass of the Top quark.


icon National Laboratory Education Programs:

  • Brookhaven National Laboratory - provides educational programs in conjunction with the Lab.
  • Jefferson Lab (CEBAF) - internships and classroom resources
  • Berkeley Center for Particle Astrophysics - a description of the center's research, including Dark Matter.
  • Physics and Education at Cornell's CESR - virtual tours of experiments, as well as info on fundamentals and theory.

icon Women and Minorities in the Sciences:

icon Other Interesting Educational and Informational Sites:

General Physics: Help: News: Organizations.:
  • American Physical Society Education Programs - general info on their committees and academic activities.
  • American Institute of Physics Education Newsletter - "summarizes information on resources, national initiatives, outreach programs, grants, professional development opportunities, and publications related to physics and science education." (AIP) Also check out their Physics News Update, an archived weekly account of new discoveries.
  • Physical Science Resource Center - sponsored by the American Association of Physics Teachers.


  • Hands on Universe - pictures from optical and radio telescopes, taken by student request.
  • Nobel Laureates in Physics 1901-present - descriptions of the discoveries and the people that won the award.
  • Alber Einstein Online - everything you ever wanted to know about one of the world's foremost physicists.
  • The Laws List - laws, rules, principles, effects, paradoxes, limits, constants, & experiments.
  • Discovery Channel School - projects, programs, and television shows which often deal with science and physics.
  • Computer Simulation Methods - a forum for the use of computers for understanding physics.

icon Physics Alliance (teacher/physicist) sites:

  • East Bay (California) Physics Alliance - supports interaction between teachers in K-12 and teachers/researchers at higher levels.